Electronic Patient Record - Ward Hub

Product Design Team - Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust


WHAT: Explore potential digital solutions with the SystmOne Smartboard and accompanying Inpatient functionality to better meet the needs of Inpatient Services

WHY: How we currently use the SystmOne Smartboard does not align with how TPP envisage it being used which is why we have encountered several constraints. These limitation have resulted in the current Smartboard solution being deemed not fully fit for purpose.

FOR WHO: Primarily Inpatient Services but may also benefit Community Teams who want better visibility of the Service Users on their case load while they are admitted

This is the demo EPR and ONLY uses test patients, not live/real patient data.

Our Trust uses SystmOne (Electronic patient record software) created by TPP for the NHS. Our Teams work using Agile Scrum and User Centred Design.

Project Goals

  • To enable a future roadmap to be agreed for the Smartboard Optimisation workstream within the Crisis, Flow & Inpatient Transformation Programme with a high degree of confidence that:

    • The proposed digital solutions are feasible to deliver within SystmOne constraints

    • The proposed solutions will be viewed by users as a significant improvement on the As Is

    • There's sufficient buy-in from users to embrace the operational process change that will need to accompany any digital solution


In 2021 the SystmOne Smartboard was launched by TPP and implemented for Working Age Adults Inpatients and Bed Management . Prior to the implementation of the Smartboard, the Bed Management team used a spreadsheet to track Inpatients and their progress towards discharge and the Wards captured outcomes of Morning MDT meetings in Word Documents. There was no single source of truth that was visible to all about a Service User’s progress towards discharge, which led to inefficient working practices and contributed to delays in discharge.

It was hoped that the SystmOne Smartboard could address these issues and to some degree it has. However, limitations of the Smartboard functionality have led to it being deemed not wholly fit for purpose. It has become clear that our use of the Smartboard does not align particularly well with how TPP envisage it being used. A re-think is needed on how we use the Smartboard alongside other Inpatient functionality in order to better meet the needs of Inpatient Services.



  • Some limitations to make changes to the EPR software

  • Staff users aren’t available due to NHS winter pressures and general pressures in NHS, cannot test or have workshops with them


Project Team and my involvement in the project

Immediate Team: (Design Team Flow) Product Owner, 2X UX Researchers, 3 UX Designers, Scrum Master (I owned the UX / UI design on this Project).

Wider Teams: Learning and Adoption team, App Support team.

Primary users: Primarily Inpatient Services : Ward staff working in MDTs (Multi disciplinary teams for discussing patient care)

Secondary users: Community Teams who want better visibility of the Service Users on their case load while they are admitted

Stakeholders: Associate director Working Age Adults and Inpatients, Associate Director of Flow and Bed Optimisation, Associate Director of Digital Transformation Delivery.

My Involvement in the project:

I supported the researcher with contextual studies. on site, and user story mapping, I did the Wireflow I did all the design elements of the project as well as going on site to do the testing with the UX Researcher (testing is in progress)


Skills & Software

  • UX Research

  • UX Design

  • UI Design

  • Prototypes

  • Usability testing

  • Miro

  • Figma


Discovery - Value Propersion Canvas


Pain points

“Nursing handover in word doc, so there is duplication in the EPR.”

Above: This is the is a value preposition canvas Please select image to read in more detail



Discovery - UX research on site requirement gathering

Working Age Adults at Farnham Road Mental Health hospital : We were able to use UX research Contextual Study interviews and a user story map from previous projects (Emerald Place and Home Treatment Team SBAR). We interviewed staff who worked in MDT meetings for Working Age Adults.



Discovery - Information Map & Data Requirements


Above: Smartboard Information and data requirements Please select image to read in more detail


Alpha Phase -  Critique workshop

Explain why we didn’t do a Co-design workshop this time. Used the research we collected from Emerald Place and Home Treatment Team SBAR.

Above: image of med-fi / Hi Fi mock up that was used in Demo SystmOne

Above: image of med-fi / Hi Fi mock up that was used in Demo SystmOne

Above: image of med-fi / Hi Fi mock up that was used in Demo SystmOne


Alpha Phase -  Usability Testing

Not done yet (complete when done)

Beta Phase -  Beta / UAT Testing

Not done yet (complete when done)

Results -

Not done yet (complete when done)

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University of Surrey - Current students’ website, homepage & navigation redesign